
What is

The technologies to solve the climate crisis exist, they just need capital, political support, and implementers to scale. Further, the way to decarbonate is to not to build completely new supply chains but to optimize existing supply chains to be less wasteful. We need to reduce waste in existing technologies while simultaneously implementing and introducing new technologies.

What does do? provides a platform for climate action that does four things:

  • Collect and organize various datasets about climate change. We need a single location that provides all this data and ways to collect it.
  • Climate Capital. We need to help fund initiatives using crowdfunding for various climate related activities. This can also be ways of showing how to get grants.
  • Job Board. Build a climate job board.
  • Policy Change. We need to ensure that a policy in one place isn’t sidestepped with a lack of policy in another place.

What makes us different?

There has been a binary approach to climate change. Either you are with it or against. We think a better approach is to find solutions in the middle way. We need to educate and explain why the world is as it is and find ways to make the political changes that help shepherd things along.

Examples include the Jones Act. Which prevents the use of our waterways and use more expensive trucking and trains. By educating and removing these existing barriers we can move forward with significant change that is held back by policies.