Abhi Yerra

What is YerraCo?

YerraCo treats and manages capital and looks at all investments internal and external from a financial view. Our goal is to follow in the footsteps of Koch Industries who take opportunities bets on new investments. We treat our ventures and investments as bets based on data and treat each entity we have from the perspective of private equity.

The company then is in the act of derisking investments as much as possible to optimize for returns.

To accomplish this our activities include:

  • Risk Management. Understand where the risks are in our business and seek to uncover them.
  • Global Macro. Understand the macro situation of the wider world and understand how those affect our businesses.
  • Opportunities. We find opportunities with a bottom up approach through our businesses.
    • MakeProspect uncovers opportunities by following trends in jobs and sales.
    • opsZero uncovers trends by performing work for our customers and based on what they request.

With this we invest in the following:

  • Ventures. We build businesses internally if they are asset-lite.
  • Equities. We invest externally in public markets.
  • Commodities. We invest in commodities based on geopolitical macro.